The Joys of Traveling Solo

9 thoughts on “The Joys of Traveling Solo”

  1. I absolutely enjoyed this post! Not only do you write well, but the topic was also interesting. As someone who has probably traveled on airplanes solo more times than she’s been with someone else, I can definitely relate to this article! Although I think my days of traveling solo are behind me, I must agree that traveling solo is SO MUCH BETTER! You have no one to please except yourself!

    1. Thank you! I didn’t do a gap year or backpacking through Europe, so I’m coming to this realization a little later than my contemporaries may have. Better late than never, in my case!

      I enjoyed reading your post, “Immigrating to the ‘Other Side.'” The notion of “home” is a theme I often visited in my poetry of days gone by. If I can dig it up, there’s one poem in particular I’d like to share.

      Looking forward to reading your blog!

  2. You definitely bring up some good points. I like being on my own agenda and not having to follow behind what someone else wants to do. But, I also like traveling with someone too. My 2 best friends like the same things as I like and we typically always want to do the same thing oddly enough lol. So traveling on my own or with someone is always fun for me. I loved this article 🙂

    1. Thank you, Kay. I wrote this more for someone who felt like the choice of traveling alone was unavailable, somehow, to them. I love traveling with friends. Many of my cherished memories are on trips with loved ones. This year we will reinstate the annual mother-daughter vacation. Of course it’s perfectly fine to have my mom visit me and vice versa (which we often do throughout the year), but discovering a new place together is such a wonderful experience. One of my favorite trips from last year was my girlfriends’ Bestie trip to LA. My stomach hurt from so much laughing. Thanks for reading, again!

      1. I have no idea why anyone wouldn’t want to spend time with themselves. I think I’m a riot to spend time with lol. And the mother/daughter trip sounds like so much fun :). I hope you have a great weekend 🙂

  3. I’m new to your blog and this is a great first post to read. I’m Mr. Solo Backpacker myself and by travelling alone I’ve been able to meet so many great people I may not have otherwise had time to interact with had I been in a group.

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