Salvador Dalí Day Trippin’ to Figueres. Barcelona Part 4.

14 thoughts on “Salvador Dalí Day Trippin’ to Figueres. Barcelona Part 4.”

  1. This is so excellent!
    I passed through here after leaving Barcelona, and now I wish I’d stayed.
    I laughed out loud at so many parts– the tilting your head sideways and marveling that Dali grew up in a place so normal–and the part about being Jon malkovich! So funny!
    And such a thoughtful thorough piece that made me want to go back!

      1. Well, if you’re looking at going to the beach, I would suggest the ones which are out of the city – Sitges, lloret del mar or St. Pol del mar – much cleaner and less crowded 🙂

What do you think?